Betting on Donald Trump – Weird Bets You Could Place on the President

Donald Trump Betting MarketsThere were so many different Donald Trump themed markets over his time in charge of America (it still feels mental to write that) that I will have to break them down into separate sections.

The divisive character of Donald Trump was the subject of conversation all over the Western world and beyond during his election campaign, throughout his presidency, and during his campaign for a second term.

Any person or event that causes as much controversy as Trump did is bound to attract the attention of certain bookies, and so it was somewhat inevitable that PaddyPower, among others, would begin to have some fun Trump themed betting markets.

Punters might have been expecting a few betting markets, but no one would have anticipated the absolute onslaught of weird betting markets that would crop up based on or around The Donald.

In fact, PaddyPower were so busy with Trump betting that they hired someone whose official job title was ‘Head of Trump Betting’. No wonder they had more Donald Trump odds than any other bookie. The job advert declared that the successful candidate would also have to build a wall around the hub so that foreign bets couldn’t get in. Jokes.

They ranged from his political decisions, his narcissism, his appearance, and anything else you could imagine.

Here are some of the weirdest Donald Trump specials to have been available.

Joe Biden to Punch Donald Trump in the Face

Betting on Joe Biden Punching Donald Trump in the Face

Ok, so technically this is a bet on Joe Biden rather than Donald Trump, but for Biden to do something this severe would take some mighty  provocation, so it would be Trump who caused it to happen.

The terms didn’t say anything about when this needed to happen either, so technically, as long as they both draw breath a positive outcome is a possibility.

Despite being an old man, even at the time the market was offered, I reckon Biden would have a decent uppercut on him. Trump would go down like a sack of spuds.

Will Donald Trump Take Fast Food to his Summit with Kim-Jong Un?

Betting Donald Trump Fast Food Kim Jong Un

Being the shining beacon of health and goodness that he is, it may come as a surprise to learn that Donald Trump has a reputation for his love of fast food.

It may be an even bigger surprise, given his natural grace and tactfulness, that he has been known to serve up hamburgers to visiting world leaders when hosting them.

Well, an unconfirmed rumour stated that Kim-Jong Un was similarly fond of fast food, and once the bookies learned of this, they had some fun.

This is why, when Donald Trump was due to have a summit with North Korea’s Kim-Jong Un – a man with whom he had been battling in a Twitter spat not all that long before (which may surprise you given Trump is known for his maturity and professionalism) – the bookies offered odds on whether or not he was take fast food with him to offer the supreme leader.

He didn’t in the end, they had to choose between beef short rib confit with dauphinoise potatoes and steamed broccoli with a red wine sauce, sweet and sour crispy pork with fried rice and chilli sauce, or soy-braised cod with vegetables.

Anyone who took the 1/50 odds on that wouldn’t exactly have made a fortune from it, but at 10/1 it was worth a punt that Trump might have turned up with a Big Mac or something.

Donald Trump to Surgically Enhance his Penis

Betting on Donald Trump to surgically enhance his Penis

This wasn’t the only market available based on The Donald’s physical appearance, but it was definitely the funniest.

It was offered by PaddyPower, surprise surprise, alongside a few other belters such as:

  • Trump to confirm some form of hair surgery
  • Trump to grow a Hitler moustache
  • Trump to dye his hair red, white and blue
  • Trump to surgically enhance his hands

As you can see from the image, the penis enlargement market was actually the second shortest odds of all of those markets.

None of them would have paid out, but they did give a lot of people a good laugh.

Donald Trump to Add His Own Face to Mount Rushmore

Betting on Donald Trump to Add his Face to Mount Rushmore

This one was part of a group of markets titled, Trump Narcissism Specials, because as we all know, the only thing Trump loves more than money and power, is himself.

At 100/1, I thought the odds on him adding his own face to Mount Rushmore were too long to be honest, but then, there was a time limit on the market.

You can tell how seriously the bookies took Trump’s narcissism though, because at 9/1 the idea of him naming a US Navy ship after himself clearly wasn’t out of the realms of possibility.

He has named plenty of stuff after himself in the past, Trump Tower for one, but the difference is he owned that, so it was perhaps more difficult to get a US Navy owned ship signed off under his name.

Donald Trump Caught Visiting Prostitutes in the Moscow Ritz

Betting on Donald Trump Visiting Prostitutes at Ritz Moscow

When Trump was set to visit Moscow in 2018, it presented a golden opportunity for some weird bet types, and obviously PaddyPower’s Head of Trump Betting was all over it.

Markets like Trump to Have a Russian Airport Named After Him at 66/1 were shorter than I would have expected, as was Trump and Putin to be Awarded a Joint Nobel Peace Prize at 25/1.

The funniest market though, was based on Trump getting jiggy at The Moscow Ritz with some Russian prostitutes.

At 100/1 many might have thought these odds were worth taking, especially given Trump’s previous escapades with female sex workers (Stormy Daniels anyone?).

What he got up to at his hotel no one knows, but if he did use any extra ‘services’ he certainly wasn’t caught doing it, so the bet was a loser for anyone who took it.

Donald Trump to Sue Paddy Power

Betting on Donald Trump to Sue PaddyPower

No one enjoys suing people more than Donald Trump.

Up until he became President, he had been involved in now fewer than 4,000 legal cases. Sometimes he was the one being sued, bot a lot of the time it was the other way around.

It’s his answer to everything; what does he does when someone says something about him that he doesn’t like? He sues them. What did he tell Theresa May to do about the Brexit divorce settlement? Sue the EU. What does he do if someone decides to sue him? Sue them back.

PaddyPower, having offered odds on possibly hundreds of weird Donald Trump markets and being well aware of his knee jerk legal action responses, even offered odds on the orange man suing them for mocking him.

The odds may have been 50/1, but I think the only reason they weren’t shorted is because PaddyPower didn’t think Trump would ever get wind of the fun they were having n his behalf.

If he had, the odds of a threatening letter landing on the bookies’ doorstep would drop right down to around evens if you ask me.

Donald Trump’s Weight

Betting on Donald Trumps Weight

In August of 2023, a book was opened on how much Donald Trump would weigh when he either surrendered to or was arrested by the authorities for his indictment in Georgia.

The over/under line was 273.5 pounds at the Antigua based online bookie who opened the book, named BetOnline. This was after they were forced to raise the weight by 8 pounds because 77% of punters were betting on the over.

The odds were only equivalent to 5/6 whichever way you decided to go, but it was a funny one to bet on nonetheless.

Trump’s official height and weight on the booking sheet listed Donny as being 6 feet 3 inches tall and 215 pounds – an inch taller and 25 pounds lighter than the height and weight recorded in Manhattan in April of the same year, just 4 months earlier.

Maybe it was the stress of the trial that helped him to shed 1 stone 7 pounds in 16 weeks…

…or maybe it was the fact that he was allowed to self declare his details.

Why Were Trump Bets So Popular?

Why Were Donald Trump Bets So Popular

The thing about Donald Trump, is that he was completely unpredictable.

He would say anything that came into his head, whether he knew what he was talking about or not. He would make baseless threats, laughable claims about himself and the country, and take decisions that caught everybody off guard.

This made him incredibly entertaining as well as being unpredictable, which is not really what you want from your country’s leader, but it is quite good for a bookmaker and a punter.

Remember too, that this was just after Brexit, which no-one expected to happen, and just after Trump’s election win, which was equally unexpected. So two huge world events had occurred within months of each other, and the public had an appetite for betting on the impossible.

So as crazy and weird as some of these markets might seem today, back around 2017 when Trump betting fever was at its’ peak, some of these outcomes might not have seemed quite so unthinkable.

Indeed, there were some bets that would have paid out if you had taken them.

Betting on Donald Trump to Visit North Korea in his First Term

Trump to visit North Korea in his first term as president was a winner at 12/1, and although this would probably be considered more of a politics bet than a weird bet, the line between novelty bets and weird bets is difficult to define exactly, and this was the first time in history that a sitting President had ever visited the country – so perhaps this market had one foot in the ‘weird’ category and another in ‘politics.

The bet carried the same odds as Trump naming a US Army base after himself, after all, and the odds were much longer than the 2/1 on him confirming he had undergone some sort of hair surgery (which is crazy short because his vanity would never allow him to admit that), and only a little longer than the 7/1 on Trump withdrawing the US from the UN.

The 16/1 odds on Trump being impeached in 2019 would have been a winner too, as would any bet made on Trump playing golf during his official visit to the UK, priced at 2/5; he owns a golf course in Scotland and recorded more days playing golf when he should have been working than any other President in history, so that one was fairly likely.

So on top of the ‘anything is possible’ mentality at the time, some of the Trump bets were actually good betting opportunities as well.