Two Share 2015 Sccop6 Pot of £458,838 Taking £229,419 Dividend Each

Scoop6 £229419 Dividend 12th September 2015

There was close to half a million pounds in the offering for the Scoop6 on September 12th 2015. The last time it had been won was 6 weeks previously, when 4 people split a similar sized pot, which this time had grown to £458,838.

There will have been a lot of excited punters after the first race, because the favourite, Macret, won at 5/1 sending 42,834 tickets sailing through to race two.

With 20 horses in the running though, picking the favourite was a much bigger ask here, and when 12/1 priced, Steps, crossed the line first it was not only a shock, but eradicated 95% of the remaining pool.

That left 2,184 tickets in the Scoop6 for the start of race 3. Happily for punters, another favourite lived up to expectations here, Limato coming in at 9/2 and keeping 551 tickets in with a chance of big money.

It was a favourite that won race four too, a horse called Bondi Beach priced at 2/1. This saved roughly 35% of punters from the chop, and gave real hope that someone would be celebrating by the end of the day.

Then came race five. Most people had backed either Berrahri or Dana’s Present, so when Empress Ali came in first with only 17 tickets behind it, the majority of the remaining betting slips ended up in the bin.

There were more tickets left in race six than there were runners, which is rather rare for the Scoop6. Yet, only 8 of the 13 horses had been backed, so there was still a possibility this weeks competition would be another washout.

Bronze Angel was the winner of the race, not exactly highly fancied at 9/1. Two of the 17 remaining punters had put their faith in the horse, so the £458,838 was split into two dividends of £229,419 and shared amongst the winners.

At least one of them won the Bonus pot the next week too, although there are no further details on this.